Healthy Choices Healthy Lives

The FoodWIse program in Dane County is federally funded by the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program-Education (SNAP-Ed) and the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP). With local strengths, we support healthy eating habits, active lifestyles and healthy community environments for Wisconsin residents experiencing limited incomes through nutrition education at the individual, community and systems levels. […]

It’s June in the Teaching Garden

This year, unlike last year, we have certainly not had to worry about watering! Everything is huge and luxuriant (unfortunately, this includes mosquitoes in the evening). So many things are flowering that I had trouble choosing what to cover. I decided that I would focus on ‘daisies’ since we have several cultivars (this word is […]

Strong Couples

Having a strong relationship with your romantic partner can be hard and finding trustworthy support can be difficult. The Strong Couples Program is six self-paced modules and five brief video calls about communication, commitment, and problem-solving. Learn more here. The Strong Couples Program is: The Strong Couples Program is free! You can start any time. […]

Testing Seed Viability

Seed starting time is coming! Do you know if your seeds are viable? Here are some tips to keep in mind. Fresh seed germinates best. Seed packets are labeled with the date they are best used by. Though seeds are usually viable longer than that date, some species lose viability faster, and germination decreases for […]

It’s All Connected–How Climate Change is Affecting Our Lakes

By Michelle Probst, former Natural Resources Educator I attended a workshop where participants in the room were asked to silently pick two random people in the room and, without those people knowing, you had to stay equally distanced from the two people. People moved throughout the room, slowly, carefully, to make sure they stayed in […]

StrongBodies™ in Dane County

StrongBodies™ is a national evidence-based strength training program developed at Tufts University and is aimed at mid-life and older women and men. The benefits of strength training have been studied extensively and include: increased muscle mass, strength and improved bone density as well as many more benefits physically and emotionally. The StrongBodies™ program includes progressive […]


There are new challenges for individuals who historically have had low access to food. There are also emerging challenges for the broader community as citizens grapple with changes to the way they previously visited the grocery store and purchased food. This document serves to collect information related to food access for Dane County Households. Emergency […]

New Online Pollinator Habitat Assessment Tool Available

You can help support insect pollinators, such as bees and butterflies, through habitat you provide on your property or in your gardens. Pollinators need shelter and food to thrive, but how do you know if your property is achieving this potential? To help promote local habitat for pollinators, the University of Wisconsin-Madison Gratton Lab in […]

Extension creates new guide to healthy and sustainable meetings

Creating a culture of health at conferences and meetings is one way to model wellness and encourage those we work with to eat healthy and be physically active. Claire Mance, Dane County Extension Healthy Communities Coordinator, has developed this guide to assist you in planning your own healthy meeting with foods and activities that are […]

Guidelines for Consuming Late Season Produce Exposed to Floodwater

 Heavy rains and the flowing water that results can contaminate plants growing in the garden and create a food safety hazard. As floodwater moves into your garden, it can carry raw sewage overflow, farm and domestic animal waste, river or pond water, and agricultural run-off, all of which can be sources of human pathogens such […]

Pollinator Educational Gardens Getting Ready to Bloom in Dane County

Pollinators aid plant reproduction by transferring pollen from flower to flower. Three-fourths of the world’s flowering plants depend on pollinators to reproduce.  Wisconsin’s pollinator dependent crops account for $44 million in annual production. Wisconsin pollinators include bees, butterflies, moths, flower flies, beetles, wasps, and hummingbirds. Pollinators and bees in particular are currently threatened by an […]

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