Teach Others About Composting

Composting Basics Presentation   PowerPoint presentation, An Introduction to Home Composting

At Home Composting Display

What is it? A table top Home Composting Display can be borrowed free of charge for use at public events. See pictures below. The display comes with two retractable banners, four different compost bins, and a ‘What Can Be Composted?’ card game.

What will participants learn? The display educates about the environmental benefits of composting, quick steps on how to compost, and showcases different types of compost bins you can use.

How can I borrow this? Reserve this display through the Natural Resource Education Center by contacting our support staff at Extension@countyofdane.com at least two weeks before your event.

These displays are available in English, Spanish, and HMoob/Hmong.

Spanish Compost Display
Compost Display in Spanish
Compost Display in English
Compost Display in English
Compost Display in HMoob/Hmong
Compost Display in HMoob/Hmong
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