Composting & Food Waste

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About the Program: Dane County Extension seeks to promote composting as a more sustainable alternative to landfilling. By providing basic composting knowledge, skills, and tools, Extension aims to encourage the widespread adoption of home composting, and provide helpful materials for people who want to teach others about composting.

Food Waste & Composting

Approximately ⅓ – or 1.3 billion tons– of food is wasted annually, posing a critical humanitarian and environmental issue (2021 UNEP Food Waste Index). Composting is one of five actions outlined in the Food Recovery Hierarchy that should be taken to prevent and divert food waste from landfills. Source Reduction: The first step towards food […]

Climate Change & Composting

Author: Maya Walther, Natural Resource Intern Composting is a practical climate change mitigation and adaptation strategy that can be adopted at the individual level. As a climate action strategy, composting has the potential to divert a large portion of organic materials from landfills, while returning these nutrients to the soil. Composting offers a solution for […]

Organics Management Grant: Helping Pave The Way for More Community Composting in Dane County

Administered by the Dane County Department of Waste & Renewables, the Organics Management Grant seeks to provide funding for community composting projects that help reduce the amount of organics (foodscraps, yard waste) being sent to landfills. All Dane County businesses, institutions, municipalities, Native American tribal governments and organizations, community groups, and nonprofit organizations are eligible […]

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Phau Ntawv qhia zom nplooj ntoos ua chiv

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