Toward a Stronger Nonprofit Sector

Research done by Madison Community Foundation and UW-Madison Extension Dane County highlights key strategies that could help strengthen the local nonprofit sector. Nonprofit organizations have become an essential component of community wellbeing and play a critical role in addressing societal challenges here in Dane County. But how are nonprofits themselves sustained and strengthened? This paper […]

StrongBodies™ in Dane County

StrongBodies™ is a national evidence-based strength training program developed at Tufts University and is aimed at mid-life and older women and men. The benefits of strength training have been studied extensively and include: increased muscle mass, strength and improved bone density as well as many more benefits physically and emotionally. The StrongBodies™ program includes progressive […]


There are new challenges for individuals who historically have had low access to food. There are also emerging challenges for the broader community as citizens grapple with changes to the way they previously visited the grocery store and purchased food. This document serves to collect information related to food access for Dane County Households. Emergency […]

Dane County Extension Office Open to Public by Appointment

Due to office construction and the pandemic, our front counter is not currently open to the public. We can make arrangements to meet you at the office if there is anything you need. Call 608-224-3700 or email to schedule a meeting. Everyone is required to wear a mask and social distance when in Dane […]

Information for Immigrant Workers

Facts about Immigration and Public Benefits for Immigrant Workers María José Fuenzalida, Dane County Dairy & Livestock Educator, prepared a series of articles to educate immigrant workers about true facts related to the public charge rule and to provide information about health care options for members of the family, especially for children. For more information […]

Safe Preserving Tips in the time of COVID-19

Whether you are new to canning, returning to canning because of the pandemic, or have always canned the bounty of your harvest, there are certain tips that will help ensure that your time and efforts lead to safe, healthy food for your family. Use recipes that are up to date. Some canning recommendations have changed […]

Extension tool helps families decide when to see other people safely

“Quaranteam”? “Double bubble”? These terms are showing up more and more in the media as individuals and families make decisions about when they will start to see other people again. In other families, questions are bubbling up about when and how it will be safe to get much needed support, like childcare or respite care.   The decision to see others or […]

New Online Pollinator Habitat Assessment Tool Available

You can help support insect pollinators, such as bees and butterflies, through habitat you provide on your property or in your gardens. Pollinators need shelter and food to thrive, but how do you know if your property is achieving this potential? To help promote local habitat for pollinators, the University of Wisconsin-Madison Gratton Lab in […]

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