Continue to Check Your Credit Report After a Data Breach

The latest data breach in the news comes from Equifax, one of the three major credit bureaus in the U.S. It is now more important than ever to review your credit report every 4 months. The University of Wisconsin-Extension “Check Your Free Credit Report: 2/2, 6/6, 10/10” campaign makes the process of ordering and reviewing a free credit report as easy as possible. Anyone can sign up to receive an email reminder from UW-Extension three times a year—on 2/2, 6/6, and 10/10—on the campaign’s website:

UW-Extension releases new series on Wisconsin Economy

Windicators The UW-Extension Center for Community and Economic Development (CCED) has announced a new series on the Wisconsin economy. This new series, referred to as “WIndicators”, is available here: The first issue in this new series discusses income inequality in Wisconsin.  Future topics will include exploration of the Kauffman Entrepreneurship Index, and patterns in housing stress […]

Food Access Brief Developed for the Village of Marshall

A research project evaluating the food environment in the village of Marshall, Wisconsin has led to the development of the Marshall Food Access Brief describing food access resources and opportunities for the village. The research was performed by two Area Health Education Center interns, Ummu Drammeh and Cynthia Venters, and supervised by Carrie Edgar, Community Food Systems Educator […]

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