Home » Organic Vegetable Production Conference
Organic Vegetable Production Conference
Organic Vegetable Production Conference
Thanks for joining us at the 2025 OVPC! We’ll be sharing information about the 2026 conference in early fall.
January 23 & 24, 2025 | Online, Everywhere
January 31 & February 1, 2025 | In-Person, Alliant Energy Center, Madison, WI
This producer-initiated conference is designed for advanced growers and attracts participants from throughout the Midwest and beyond. Participants who register by January 8 will receive a conference packet with handouts and swag through the mail BEFORE the online sessions. Those who register after January 8 may receive the packet before or AFTER the online sessions. Online sessions are held over Zoom.
Esta conferencia respaldada por productores se basa en el intercambio de habilidades de agricultor a agricultor, tiene su sede en el Medio Oeste estadounidense, y ahora incluye a agricultores de todo el condado. Llame a Alexis Salazar al 608-224-3704 para obtener asistencia con la traducción en español.
Qhov kev tuaj koom kawm uake es yog cov neeg tsim qoob loo-yog cov pib es siv cov tswv teb tej yam lawv paub kom lawv sib qhia, qhov chaw nov nyob rau ib cheeb tsam ntawm Midwest, thiab tam sim muaj cov tswv qoob loo los koom es nyob thoob plaws hauv cov zos county. Hu rau Chiang Rai Lor ntawm 608-709-0177 rau kev pab rau npe ua lus Hmoob.
“A great community of farmers! It was so encouraging to hear about people’s successes and struggles.” – Maria Duits, Stockbridge-Munsee Community, WI
“The amount of knowledge shared at this conference is amazing.” – Devon Wilson – Sunlight Gardens, MI
“This is the best conference I’ve ever been to. Farmer presentations are always top notch and packed full of detailed information. Panel discussions with three farmers of varying sizes makes each topic useful for any grower.” – Sarah Leong, Squashington Farm, WI
“This is without a doubt the most helpful information I have found from a conference. The presenters knew every detail they discussed and came ready to showcase their farms and systems. I loved having photos to go along with the information to bring the ideas to life.” – Olivia Kingery – Pileated Farms, MI
2025 Sessions / Sesiones / Program cov Lus Qhia

Bulb Onions Heather Anderson, Green Wagon Farm, MI Andrew Adamski, Full Circle Community Farm, WI | Winter Squash & Pumpkins Ciara Prencipe, Potomac Vegetable Farms, VA Justin Rich, Burnt Rock Farm, VT |
Vegetable sessions provide detailed production information, from variety selection to postharvest handling, are specific to a variety of scales, and enhanced by photos from the field. Participants will receive a handout detailing each presenter’s systems, including germination techniques and crop spacing to equipment, disease and pest control, and so much more.
Tribal Food Sovereignty: Storing and Sharing the Harvest
Learn how two tribal groups are growing, storing, and sharing the harvest with their communities. Ohe·láku (“Among the Corn Stalks”), an Oneida Nation non-profit, grows ancestral corn communally in a cooperative effort to relearn and pass on traditional foodways knowledge. Red Earth Gardens grows vegetables in fields and high tunnels and distributes food boxes to the Meskwaki Nation in central Iowa as part of the Meskwaki Food Sovereignty Initiative.
– Waylon Wolf, Red Earth Gardens, IA
– Lea Zeise, Ohe∙láku (Among the Corn Stalks), WI
Value-Added Processing and Marketing for Off-Season Selling
Season extension practices can go beyond simply lengthening the growing season with high tunnels. Value-added offerings can play a role too! Hear from Let’s Grow Akron as they share their strategies for incorporating value-added products year-round at their farm store utilizing the produce they grow.
– Lisa Nunn and Zakiyyah Jowhar-Schmidt, Let’s Grow Akron, OH
Facilities and Equipment to Handle Storage Crops
Every farm uses facilities and equipment differently to handle storage crops. Despite that diversity, there remain some best practices that we all can learn from and use. Join Andy Chamberlin as he shares some great ideas that he’s seen on farms across the Northeast as well as insights from the research and development done by the Small Farms Ag Engineering team.
– Andy Chamberlin, UVM Extension, VT
Packshed Adaptations and Scale-Appropriate Tools
Looking for inspiration on how to get your packshed to meet your farm’s needs? Whether you’re scaling up or trying to maximize efficiency, this session will provide multiple examples of how growers have adapted their spaces to work harder so they don’t have to.
– Andy Chamberlin, UVM Extension, VT

Click image to see a larger version of the schedule
Bulb Onions Katrina Becker, Cattail Organics, WI Norman Miller, Miller Farm Produce, WI Liz Graznak, Happy Hollow Farm, MO | Salad Greens Les Macare, Racing Heart Farm, WI John Dindia, Lakeview Hill Farm, MI Liz Lyon, Gwenyn Hill Farm, WI |
Brussels Sprouts Sarah Leong & Pat Hager, Squashington Farm, WI Tony Whitefeather, Whitefeather Organics, WI Cassie Wyss, Crossroads Community Farm, WI | Beans Vang Lee & Ying Vang Lee, Lee Produce, WI Shaffer Ridgeway, Southern Goods, IA Steve Pincus & Beth Kazmar, Tipi Produce, WI |
Vegetable sessions provide detailed production information, from variety selection to postharvest handling, are specific to a variety of scales, and enhanced by photos from the field. Participants will receive a handout detailing each presenter’s systems, including germination techniques and crop spacing to equipment, disease and pest control, and so much more.
Let’s Take a Trip: Vacations, Getaways, and Supporting Rest During the Season
Farming and rest often feel at odds. Hear how farmers are reshaping goals and expectations and finding ways to make time for play, rest, and recovery…especially when it feels most impossible: during the busy growing season.
– Alyssa Alcordo, Chicago Patchwork Farms, IL
– Sam Odin, Village Farmstead, WI
– John Dindia, Lakeview Hill Farm, MI
Irrigation Automation in the Field
Raise your hand if you’ve remembered to turn off the irrigation…as you suddenly wake up in the middle of the night! Learn what technology exists to automate irrigation, monitor it in real time, and how you can control it remotely. Come to this session and live the dream!
– Robert Arnold, Smart Farm Innovations, NY
Farm Enterprise Profitability
The ultimate farm conundrum is navigating your way to a sustainably profitable business that adequately rewards you for all your hard work, knowledge, investment, and risk. Join this session to hear how three farms have used various tools to understand their cost of production, altered pricing and enterprises, and made progress toward profitability.
– Abby Benson, Featherstone Farm, MN
– Josh Engel, Driftless Organics, WI
– John Bell, Elmwood Stock Farm, KY
Communication and Delegation: Farmworker Perspectives
Interested in exploring how strong communication and opportunities for new learning can impact the entire farm environment? Hear from three experienced farmworkers as they share practices, systems, and tools that have worked well for them – as well as some lessons they’ve learned along the way.
– Alyssa Alcordo, Chicago Patchwork Farms, IL
– Alex Spaulding, Red Door Family Farm, WI
– Federica Ranelli, Rooted-Troy Farm, WI
Leveling Up Pest Control on the Farm
When are the most vulnerable life stages to control pests? What active ingredients are the most reliable? This session is designed for those looking to learn the nuances that lead to greater pest control success…such as why Isaria fungal controls may be more effective than Beauvaria bassiana when trying to control aphids!
– Julie Graesch, BioWorks, IA
Farm Debriefs: Looking Back, Moving Forward
Evals, check-ins, and debriefs – oh my! Building time for these conversations may seem daunting, but these employment practices can go a long way to supporting a high-functioning workplace grounded in learning, growth, and improvement. Share your tips, questions, and even your worries during this open discussion.
Farmer-to-Farmer Round Tables
- HMoob (Hmong) Grower Roundtable
- Favorite Vegetable Varieties
- Troubleshooting in Low and No-Till Systems
- The Nuts, Bolts, and Nozzles of Mixing and Spraying
- Food Safety and Wholesale: Ask the Experts
- Juggling Irrigation and Weed Control
- Right-Sizing Your CSA
2025 Registration
Early Bird by December 16 | Regular by January 23 |
Full Conference = $150 | Full Conference = $200 |
Virtual Only = $50 | Virtual Only = $75 |
In Person Only = $125 | In Person Only = $175 |
In Person Friday Only = $75 | In Person Friday Only = $100 |
In Person Saturday Only = $75 | In Person Saturday Only = $100 |
Conference packets with handouts and swag will be snail mailed to all VIRTUAL attendees. Register by January 8 to ensure you receive the conference packet BEFORE the virtual sessions begin.
- All virtual sessions held on January 23 and 24 will be recorded and available to everyone who registers for the virtual event, whether or not they attend the session in real time.
- None of the in-person sessions held on January 31 and February 1 will be recorded.
2025 Lodging
Clarion Suites | Attached to Alliant Energy Center, 608-284-1234. Click the link to automatically apply the group rate to your reservation. Or call and identify yourself as part of the “Organic Vegetable Conference 2025.” The discounted group rate is $120 plus taxes. Rate includes hot breakfast in the morning, free parking, and airport or downtown shuttle. |
Home Stay | Connect with others offering or requesting a homestay in the Madison area on our Facebook Event page. |
Sheraton | 706 John Nolen Drive – Across from the Alliant Energy Center, 800-325-3535 |
Holiday Inn Express | 601 John Nolen Drive – Across from the Alliant Energy Center, 608-709-5050 |
Home2 Suites by Hilton | 2153 Rimrock Road – Behind the Alliant Energy Center, 608-949-9650 |
2025 Scholarships / Becas / Nyiaj Pab
Hay becas de inscripción disponibles para productores inmigrantes y de comunidades cuyas raza y etnia tienen poca representación. La asignación de becas es por orden de llegada. La beca para la conferencia completa es de $160.
Con una beca, la tarifa de inscripción para los productores es: Conferencia completa = $40
¡Inscríbase para obtener una beca!
Thov rau npe tsis pub dhau Lub Ib Hlis Ntuj Tim 13.
Muaj Nyiaj Pab Them Nqi Rau Npe rau cov neeg cog zaub uas khiav teb chaws thiab cov neeg cog zaub uas los hauv ib pawg uas txawv haiv thiab haiv neeg tsawg uas tsis muaj neeg sawv cev txaus uas raws qhov leej twg xub tuaj, leej twg xub tau. Nyiaj pab rau tag nrho ob hnub sib tham yog $160.
Nrog qhov nyiaj pab, tus nqi rau npe rau cov neeg cog zaub yog: Tag Nrho Ob Hnub Sib Tham = $40
Rau npe thov nyiaj pab ntawm no!
Registration Scholarships are available for immigrant growers and growers from historically underrepresented communities (Native American, Black, Latinx, Hmong, etc.) on a first come, first served basis. Full conference scholarship is $160. If you are unsure if you qualify for a scholarship contact sarah.janesugoretz@wisc.edu.
With a scholarship, the registration fee for growers is: Full Conference = $40
Click to register with a scholarship!
Register > Enter Promo Code > 25OVPCscholar
2025 Language Access / Acceso a Idiomas / Kev Siv Lus
- Llame a Alexis Salazar al 608-224-3704 para obtener asistencia con la traducción en español.
- Llame a Chiang Rai Lor al 608-226-0300 para obtener asistencia con la traducción en miao.
- Habrá interpretación simultánea en miao y español para quienes lo necesiten.
- Nuestro compromiso es promover la agricultura orgánica entre las minorías y las familias de inmigrantes. Puede inscribir a un invitado adicional de la familia para que asista a la conferencia de manera gratuita.
La University of Wisconsin-Extension proporciona acción afirmativa e igualdad de oportunidades en educación, programas y empleo para todas las personas calificadas, sin tener en cuenta la raza, color, género, credo, discapacidad, religión, origen nacional, ascendencia, edad, orientación sexual, gravidez, estado civil o de paternidad, historial de detención o condena, o estado de veterano de guerra.
- Hu rau Chiang Rai Lor ntawm 608-226-0300 rau kev pab rau npe ua lus HMoob.
- Hu rau Alexis Salazar ntawm 608-224-3704 rau kev pab rau npe ua lus Mev.
- Muaj kev txhais lus tib lub sij hawm ua lus Hmoob thiab lus Mev, yog xav tau.
- Peb muaj kev ruaj siab los txhawb kev cog zaub uas tsis siv chiv ntawm cov neeg tsawg thiab cov neeg khiav teb chaws. Koj rau npe tau rau ib tug neeg hauv tsev neeg ntxiv tuaj koom lub rooj sib tham dawb.
Lub Tsev Kawm Ntawv Qib Siab (University of Wisconsin-Extension) pab rau tsoom fwv kev pom zoo thiab ncaj ncees nyob rau kev kawm ntaub ntawv, kev pab cuam thiab kev ua hauj lwm rau tag nrho cov neeg tsim nyog ua tau tsis tas hais yog haiv neeg twg, xim tawv nqaij twg, poj niam txiv neej, kev ntseeg, cov neeg puas cev xws li tes taw, kev ntseeg ntuj, kev tuaj txawv teb chaws tuaj, kev poj koob yawm txwv, hnub nyoog, kev xaiv ntawm kev daj dee, kev xeeb tub, kev muaj txij nkawm los yog ua niam txiv, kev rau txhom los yog muaj txim raug kaw los yog ua qub tub rog.
“This conference allows me to connect with farmers across the U.S. who are of a similar goal and mindset, and brings invaluable information to a single source.” – Allison Stawara – Partridge Creek Farm, MI
“This is consistently the best vegetable production conference I attend year after year.” – Kellie Zahn, Stockbridge-Munsee Community
“I come to this conference with questions that are answered by the time I leave. This is now how I look forward to starting the season.” – Meg Kelly, High Meadow Farm
“The handouts alone are worth the cost of the conference. Side by side comparisons of farms of different sizes/contexts with VERY comprehensive prompts/questions.” – Evan Barry, Down River Farm
“This conference has the technical details that other organic conferences sometimes lack.” – Sam Knapp, Root Cellar Farm
“As a somewhat seasoned farmer, but new to farming in the Midwest, this conference was beyond valuable for setting me up for success and connecting me to a knowledgeable community of growers!” – Deb Moses, Cliffbrake Farm
“The worst thing about this conference is that all the sessions are so good it makes it really hard to choose!” – Liz Graznak, Happy Hollow Farm