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Trees are vital to the health of our community in Dane county—they provide clean air, clean water, wildlife habitat, mitigation against climate change, and psychological well-being. Oak savannas once dominated what is now Dane County, but due to development, few of them remain. The Dane County Forestry Department leads efforts to restore these natural communities.
Many communities in Dane county understand the importance of trees and have committed to grow and maintain their canopy. While the importance of trees in our communities is well understood, the health of trees can be threatened by diseases, insects and development. The Dane County Tree Board works to provide education on best practices to ensure the health of our trees
Learn About Sustainable Forest Management
While many efforts to restore and enhance our forest resources occur on public lands, many forest lands are within private ownership. Extension provides education efforts to engage private woodland owners to encourage sustainable forest management throughout Wisconsin. Learn more at Woodlandinfo.org or check out our Youtube Channel dedicated to forestry education.
Forestry Extension Educator serving Dane County:
Tony Johnson
Phone: 920-929-1173
Located at the Fond du Lac Extension Office
Email: Anthony.Johnson@wisc.edu
Follow us!
Facebook- WiscEXTforestry Twitter-@WiscEXTforestry Instragram- @WiscEXTforestry
Past Woodland Owner Conference Materials
In the past, the Wisconsin Woodland Owners Association (WWOA) partnered with UW-Madison Extension Dane County to host the Woodland Owner Conference in Madison. Presentations from previous years can be found below.
Severe Weather Events, What to Look for in your Woods, Mike Hillstrom, WDNR, 2020
Preparing for Changing Weather Conditions, Matt Dallman, The Nature Conservancy, 2020
Forest Stand Conversions, Options for Oak, Pine, and Ash -N. Koltz, WDNR and R. Valigura, Integrated Forest Management, 2020
Strategies for Invasive Plant Management, Cody Didier, WDNR and Rick Schulte, NUTRIEN SOLUTIONS, 2020
Enhancing Pollinator Habitat on Your Land, Mindy Habecker, Dane County Extension, 2020
Preparing for a Forester Meeting, Carolyn Kuebler, American Forest Foundation and Cody Didier, WDNR, 2019
Pruning to Improve Your Woods, Melissa Gillaume Cappeart, WDNR, 2019
Regeneration of Oak/Hickory Woodlands in Southwestern Wisconsin, Tom Hill, WDNR, 2019
Resources to Engage Next Generation on Your Land
Tips for Involving the Next Generation, Ties to the Land article
Prescribed burning – When is it the right tool?, Brad Hutnik, WDNR, 2018
Timber Stand Improvement Following Harvest or Thinning, Jason Sable and Tom Hill, WDNR, 2018
Reptile and Amphibian Conservation Techniques, Bob Hay, Turtles for Tomorrow, 2018
Products from Our Forests Scott Bowe, Dr. Scott Bowe, UW Department of Forest and Wildlife Ecology, 2016
Climate Change Fred Clark, Fred Clark, Baraboo Woodworks, LLC, 2016
Milestones in Managment Woodland Conservation History, Dr. Stan Temple, 2015
Multiple Benefits of Woodland Management, Dr. John DuPlissis, 2009
In the past, the Wisconsin Woodland Owners Association (WWOA) partnered with UW-Madison Extension Dane County to host the Woodland Owner Conference in Madison. Presentations from previous years can be found below.
Severe Weather Events, What to Look for in your Woods, Mike Hillstrom, WDNR, 2020
Preparing for Changing Weather Conditions, Matt Dallman, The Nature Conservancy, 2020
Forest Stand Conversions, Options for Oak, Pine, and Ash -N. Koltz, WDNR and R. Valigura, Integrated Forest Management, 2020
Strategies for Invasive Plant Management, Cody Didier, WDNR and Rick Schulte, NUTRIEN SOLUTIONS, 2020
Enhancing Pollinator Habitat on Your Land, Mindy Habecker, Dane County Extension, 2020
Preparing for a Forester Meeting, Carolyn Kuebler, American Forest Foundation and Cody Didier, WDNR, 2019
Pruning to Improve Your Woods, Melissa Gillaume Cappeart, WDNR, 2019
Regeneration of Oak/Hickory Woodlands in Southwestern Wisconsin, Tom Hill, WDNR, 2019
Resources to Engage Next Generation on Your Land
Tips for Involving the Next Generation, Ties to the Land article
Prescribed burning – When is it the right tool?, Brad Hutnik, WDNR, 2018
Timber Stand Improvement Following Harvest or Thinning, Jason Sable and Tom Hill, WDNR, 2018
Reptile and Amphibian Conservation Techniques, Bob Hay, Turtles for Tomorrow, 2018
Products from Our Forests Scott Bowe, Dr. Scott Bowe, UW Department of Forest and Wildlife Ecology, 2016
Climate Change Fred Clark, Fred Clark, Baraboo Woodworks, LLC, 2016
Milestones in Managment Woodland Conservation History, Dr. Stan Temple, 2015
Multiple Benefits of Woodland Management, Dr. John DuPlissis, 2009