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Continuing Education
Dane County UWEX Approved Resources for Master Gardener Continuing Education (CE)
Victory Garden: Television’s longest-running gardening program inspires viewers to get their hands dirty.
P. Allen Smith Garden Home: Half-hour show with P. Allen Smith. WHA 21.1/HD Saturdays, 10am .5 hr CE
Gardening by the Yard: Host MG Paul Jones gives advice re gardening basics. HGTV channel
Garden Talk: Larry Meiller’s weekly show features guests from UWEX and elsewhere answering phoned-in and emailed-in questions from people around the country. Fridays, 11am-12:30pm 1.5 hrs CE repeats first hour on Saturday am at 7 (only 1 hour CE for these). Go to http://www.wpr.org/programs/garden-talk for archived programs.
Horticulture magazine, Garden Gate magazine, Wisconsin Gardening magazine. cover to cover = .5 hr CE
UWEX, UW, WPT Archives and MAMGA
UWEX Brown Bag Podcasts: Access these programs at https://fyi.extension.wisc.edu/brownbag/. 1 hr CE
UWEX Urban Horticulture Update Podcasts: Access these teleconference reports and Q&A with UWEX specialists and
UWEX county agents at https://fyi.extension.wisc.edu/brownbag/. 1 hr CE
Dane County UWEX Winter Seminar Series: each 3-hour session = 3 hrs CE
Dane County “Garden Basics and Beyond Course” https://dane.extension.wisc.edu/2014/12/23/5195/
Dane County UWEX horticulture programs: each hour of programming = 1 hr CE
Dane County UWEX Plant Health Advisor Training: 6 hrs CE
UWEX MG Level 2 Training: Visit https://mastergardener.extension.wisc.edu/?q=Level2 for details; each hour of program corresponds to 1 hr CE.
West Madison Agricultural Research Station horticulture programs: Access information at
Wisconsin Gardener at WPT Archives: Host MG Shelley Ryan visits garden sites and interviews gardening experts around the state. http://wpt.org/Wisconsin-Gardener/Topics
MAMGA Annual Meeting: 1 hr CE
MAMGA educational programs (NOT garden tours, luncheons, or bus trips): each hour of program = 1 hr CE
WIMGA Annual Conference: each hour of educational programming = 1 hr CE
PRESENTATIONS (NOT craft- or exercise- oriented programs) AT
Olbrich Botanical Gardens. http://www.olbrich.org/
GARDEN EXPO. http://www.wigardenexpo.com/
Community Groundworks classes. http://www.troygardens.org/
Fitchburg Fields classes. http://www.fitchburgfields.org/main/
UW Arboretum classes. http://uwarboretum.org/
Allen Centennial Gardens. http://www.allencentennialgardens.org/
Rotary Gardens (Janesville). http://rotarybotanicalgardens.org/
PRESENTATIONS BY PLANT SOCIETIES (membership may be required to attend)
Madison Herb Society. http://www.madisonherbsociety.org/
Wisconsin Hosta Society. http://wihostasociety.org/
Wisconsin Hardy Plant Society (WHPS). http://wisconsinhardyplantsociety.com/
The Wisconsin Daylily Society. http://www.wisdaylilysoc.org/
Madison Area Iris Society (MAIS). http://www.madisoniris.org/
Rock Garden Society (WI-IL chapter). www.wiilrock.org/