Green Thumb Gardening Classes

The Green Thumb Gardening series will give you the practical knowledge to keep your home garden thriving!

Fall 2024 Green Thumb Gardening Series – Open

Winter 2024 Green Thumb Gardening Series – Closed

University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Extension specialists and local horticulture experts will provide in-depth and accessible information for everyone from the novice to the experienced gardener.

For more information on the Teaching Garden, Click Here. Note that Teaching Garden tours are available for clubs, non-profits, and business groups. Online activities for the online audience will be led by Master Gardeners and will mirror the onsite activities as much as possible. Some activities in class will be the same for both audiences as well. Sessions will be recorded and available for class participants for personal use only (not for online sharing). Electronic handouts will also be provided for each session.

You can register for classes as a package for a slight discount, or choose selected classes for a slightly higher cost. In cases of financial need, a limited number of scholarships are available. Contact Lisa Johnson at for more information.

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