Dane County Food Safety and Preservation

Pressure Canner Testing

Don’t forget to have the dial gauge on your pressure canner tested.  It is recommended to have this gauge tested every year. It’s also a good idea to review the Using & Caring for a Pressure Canner publication by the University of Wisconsin-Extension.

pressure canner

Extension Dane County can test your Presto® pressure canner on-site. For all non-Presto® canners, we recommend contacting the manufacturer for advice on testing your equipment. Please be aware of the following details:

  • Pressure Canner Testing is available by appointment.
  • Contact Claire Mance and schedule an appointment at 608-224-3699 or mance.claire@danecounty.gov
  • Our office hours are 8:00 am to 4:30 pm,  Monday through Friday. We are closed major holidays.
  • The charge is $3 per gauge.
  • In addition to your gauge, please also bring your canner lid and gasket, as testing includes a quality assessment of both the lid and the gauge.

It is also possible to send your Presto® or non-Presto® gauge to Presto® for testing.

UW-Madison Division of Extension Food Preservation Publications

The following publications are available for free download using the links below, or print copies can be obtained through our office at Extension Dane County. Click here for more information about safe preserving recipes.

Freezing Fruits and Vegetables (B3278)

Canning Fruits Safely (B0430) – updated 2020  Caution against canning elderberries, white-fleshed peaches

Canning Meat, Wild Game, Poultry and Fish Safely (B3345)

Canning Salsa Safely (B3570)

Canning Vegetables Safely (B1159)

Tomatoes Tart & Tasty (B2605) Newly-revised in 2021!

Care and Use of a Pressure Canner (B2593)

Making Safe Jerky in a Home Dehydrator

Homemade Pickles and Relishes (B2267)

Make your Own Sauerkraut (B2087)

Jams, Jellies, and Fruit Preserves (B2909) – updated 2020 Caution against canning elderberries, white-fleshed peaches

Other Resources

If you have questions related to food businesses, contact the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade, and Consumer Protection at 608-224-4923 or datcpdfslicensing@wi.gov.

To answer all your remaining questions about preservation techniques, like “How do I freeze, dry, can, ferment, pickle, (etc.!) all my food safely?”, check out the National Center for Home Food Preservation.

More Helpful Links:


SNAP provides nutrition assistance to people with low income. It can help you buy nutritious foods for a better diet. Find out more about SNAP (FoodShare Wisconsin):

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The University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Extension is an equal opportunity provider.

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La University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Extension es un proveedor que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades.


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