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Extension’s Impact in Dane County
Explore the many ways that Extension is having impact in Dane County.
Turning Sparks Into Leadership

4-H introduces youth to leadership opportunities connected to their personal interests (sparks).
Assisting County Government

Extension’s Community Development Educator supported the Dane County Broadband Taskforce with planning and facilitation.
Teaching Healthy Choices

FoodWIse educators teach healthy eating habits, active lifestyles, and promotes healthy community environments.
Encouraging Youth Decision-Makers

By Youth For Youth provides opportunities for youth to make decisions to support youth-led and youth-developed programs and projects in Dane County.
Coaching for Success

Providing research-based horticulture education so all have access to the information needed to care for plants, eat healthy, and protect the environment.
Partnering With Farmers to Find Solutions

Dane County Farms first to implement new technology in research project to better evaluate effectiveness of conservation practices.
Advancing Racial & Social Equity

Research report provides strategies for investing in historically-underserved producers through farm-to-school procurement.
Connecting Families

We bring evidence-informed literacy and learning opportunities to young children who have a parent or caregiver in the Dane County Jail.
Providing Tax Assistance

The Richard Dilley Tax Center provides free income tax preparation to thousands of low-income workers, seniors, and those with disabilities.
Bringing Science to After-school Programs

4-H provides opportunities to participate in STEM activities outside of the school day to learn and explore new interests.
Responding to Garden Questions

Extension addresses residents’ gardening questions providing unbiased, research-based, and environmentally-friendly solutions.
Planning for Sustainability

Extension Educators assisted the Stoughton Sustainability Committee to engage the community to develop a sustainability plan.