4-H Poultry Education Meeting

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Event Information


February 23rd, 2025


12:00pm - 1:00pm




Dane County 4-H



The Dane County 4-H Small Animal Committee and youth leaders have organized in-person education meeting for youth interested in Poultry. These educational events are open to all youth and are free.

Youth do not need to register for these classes. All classes are drop in.

The topic of this meeting is types of bedding, winterizing a coop, and predator proofing chicken coops. 

For those interested in showing at the Dane County Fair:

All youth who are interested in showing cavies, poultry, and/or rabbits at the Dane County Fair are required to attend an education event related to the animal species they will show and must meet these educational requirements:

  • List of approved Small Animal Education Events on Dane County Fair Small Animal Page
  • Education Requirement Card – Complete this card after attending an education event or meeting during the dates of 6/16/24-6/15/25. The completed card must be uploaded to the ONLINE PORTAL (OPENS IN APRIL). Education requirements must be met and submitted by June 15 at 11:59pm in order to show at the Dane County Fair.
  • Complete Youth for the Quality Care of Animals (YQCA) certificate between 9/1/2024-6/15/2025. YQCA is required for youth who will show poultry, rabbits, or cavies at the Dane County Fair. Youth can complete this certification online anytime. There is a $12 fee for the online training. YQCA is designed as an annual education and certification program focused on food safety, animal well-being, and character awareness for youth ages 8 to 21. The program has been designed by extension specialists and national livestock program managers to ensure it is accurate, current, and relevant to the needs of the animal industry and shows and is appropriate for youth.

Event Location

Dane County 4-H Office, 5201 Fen Oak Drive, Madison

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