4-H Horse & Pony Trail Clinic

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Event Information


June 8th, 2024


8:00am - 3:00pm




Scott Krupp



Clinician: Jessica Cole.

There will be trail obstacles set up for practice and familiarization.
All Horse and Pony and 4-H Rules apply Riders/handlers may only enter one session

8:00-10:30am Trail in Hand
10:30am-12:30pm Beginner/intermediate trail (under saddle)
12:30-1:00pm Lunch break
1:00-3:00pm Intermediate/Advanced Trail (under saddle)

Beginner – horse/riders who have not shown in trail class before or are 1 st or 2nd year project members with limited trail class experience. Horse/riders will work on developing skills such as forward, lateral, and backing movements through and around obstacles. The focus will be on improving confidence as a team while practicing common obstacles such as a bridge, gate, over poles, backing through poles and other obstacles while under saddle. This session would be appropriate for walk/trot participants.

Intermediate – horse/riders who have shown in trail before and who practice trail obstacles at home. Horse/riders should already be capable of forward, lateral, and backing movements through and around obstacles.

Advanced – horse/riders who have shown in trail class before, and who regularly practice using trail obstacles at home, and/or placed red or blue at the fair. Participants in this session will work on completing a pattern which requires more difficult forward, lateral and backing movements through and around obstacles.

Trail in-hand — young horses and/or inexperienced handlers who need to develop confidence and skill working through and around obstacles on the ground. Participants who have never worked through obstacles with their animal should start in this session and not under saddle. Focus is to develop more confidence and skills to improve forward, lateral and backing movements from the ground.

REGISTRATION FORM: Trail Clinic Registration Form

This is a pre-registration event: if you need to cancel from the event you must contact the
event coordinator at least 48 hours prior to the start of the event. You must also have a verbal
confirmation from the event coordinator.

Registration will be confirmed via the phone number(s) or email (preferred) listed below on this form.

Questions call Scott Krupp 608-440-1068
Mail registration to: H&P Trail Clinic, Scott Krupp, 5601 River Rd, Waunakee, WI 53597 or mascottbrothers@gmail.com (Email is preferred.)

Auditors do not need to pre-register

Review the Dane County Horse and Pony Clinic Reminders before attending a clinic.

Event Location

Alliant Energy Center, Pavilion 1, 1919 Alliant Energy Center Way, Madison

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