4-H Dairy Judging Practice 4/22/24

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Event Information


April 22nd, 2024


7:00pm - 8:00pm




Cassie - Dane County 4-H Volunteer



Join us to learn more about Dairy Judging and how you can get involved in the 4-H statewide event. Judging dairy cattle is a comparative evaluation of cattle in which animals are ranked based on their closeness to “ideal” dairy conformation. No fee or need to pre-register for this meeting. 

Dairy Judging Practice is designed for youth in grades 3+.

Participating in Dairy Judging provides an excellent opportunity for youth to not only increase their knowledge of evaluating dairy cattle but also develop and hone valuable communication skills that will be useful for a lifetime. Youth do not need to attend all practices to participate in competitions.

Monday April 157:00 pmEndres Berryridge Farms, 7094 Hyer Road, Waunakee
Monday April 227:00 pmNick Woldt, 1749 Meadow Lane, Sun Prairie
Monday April 297:00 pmFertile Ridge, 2190 State Road 78, Mount Horeb

Event Location

Nick Woldt, 1749 Meadow Lane, Sun Prairie

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