Engaging Community to Inform Housing Strategies

Dane County has experienced rapid growth in jobs and residents, but housing construction has not kept pace. Demand for all kinds of housing – from affordable rentals to high-end family homes – is surging. Limited availability of workforce and senior housing is leading many households to pay more in rent or mortgage than is feasible […]

When Large-Scale Solar Comes to Town: Building community capacity to address economic, environmental, and social change

Situation: The U.S. is undergoing a rapid energy transformation to clean renewable energy as a major strategy to mitigate climate change. Rural communities in Wisconsin, which are well suited for large-scale solar or wind development, may experience major economic, environment, and social transitions when a large-scale electric power facility comes to town.  With any major […]

Toward a Stronger Nonprofit Sector

Research done by Madison Community Foundation and UW-Madison Extension Dane County highlights key strategies that could help strengthen the local nonprofit sector. Nonprofit organizations have become an essential component of community wellbeing and play a critical role in addressing societal challenges here in Dane County. But how are nonprofits themselves sustained and strengthened? This paper […]

Support for Non-profit Organizations Goes Virtual

Dane County Extension has long provided non-profit organizations with strategic planning, program planning, facilitation, and evaluation support. This support has continued through the coronavirus pandemic, with modifications for a virtual environment. Our programs to support non-profits have expanded to address the unique circumstances that organizations are operating under at this time. When COVID-19 hit, our […]

New Videos on Parliamentary Procedure from the Local Government Center

Elected officials, appointed member of a local government unit, and facilitators of formal bodies that operate under Robert’s Rules of Order will find it essential to understand the nuances of parliamentary procedure. UW-Extension’s Local Government Center recently produced a series of brief videos that offer guidance on four critical and sometimes confusing topics related to parliamentary procedure including: Calling the Question […]

Pollinator Educational Gardens Getting Ready to Bloom in Dane County

Pollinators aid plant reproduction by transferring pollen from flower to flower. Three-fourths of the world’s flowering plants depend on pollinators to reproduce.  Wisconsin’s pollinator dependent crops account for $44 million in annual production. Wisconsin pollinators include bees, butterflies, moths, flower flies, beetles, wasps, and hummingbirds. Pollinators and bees in particular are currently threatened by an […]

UW-Extension releases new series on Wisconsin Economy

Windicators The UW-Extension Center for Community and Economic Development (CCED) has announced a new series on the Wisconsin economy. This new series, referred to as “WIndicators”, is available here:  http://economicdevelopment.extension.wisc.edu/windicators/ The first issue in this new series discusses income inequality in Wisconsin.  Future topics will include exploration of the Kauffman Entrepreneurship Index, and patterns in housing stress […]

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