Becoming the Employer of Choice for Vegetable Farmers

Motivating and managing employees is essential to many diversified vegetable farms, and rare is the farmer who comes to this profession with those labor management skills in tow. The BTEC for Vegetable Farmers program is designed to support both farm owners and hired farm managers who are eager to strengthen their hiring, supervision, and employee relations skills. Research-based techniques and real-world examples make this program practical and useful for any farm owner or experienced manager. Peer-to-peer discussion is a core part of each session, and attendees will often learn as much from each other as they do from the trainers. 

Vegetable farm owners and managers co-created this program, and each session is delivered by farmers and program staff.

Are you a farm owner or an experienced manager interested in this training? Are you an organization that would like to connect farmers to this training? Let us know! Click below, and we’ll be in touch.

Strategic LeadershipThis session explores emotional intelligence and different leadership styles – and how you can use these various skills to create a positive and rewarding work environment for both you and your employees.
Developing an Effective Hiring ProcessThis nuts and bolts session covers job descriptions, job applications, candidate interviews, and overall hiring protocols. A careful hiring process can attract candidates and help them succeed.
Employee Onboarding and TrainingHaving formal tools and practices in place will support a smooth and professional onboarding process as new and returning employees come onto your farm. From employee handbooks and standard operating procedures to a thoughtful training plan, this session explores concrete actions you can take to set employees up for success.
Developing a Motivated WorkforceEmployees are motivated by extrinsic factors like wages and also by intrinsic factors like achievement, curiosity, and pride. This session examines internal motivation and details numerous ways you can support motivation on your farm.  
Farm Business CultureYour farm has a unique culture, and you are a big part of defining and conveying that culture to employees. We will explore your farm business culture and then talk through steps you can take to support trust, respect, creativity, and other elements of a positive work environment.  
Reviews and FeedbackProviding employees with regular feedback is critical, and it can also be uncomfortable! This session provides practical tools to help you get comfortable with this very important aspect of being an employer. 
Engaging with ConflictWhen left unaddressed, unhealthy conflict can have long-lasting consequences. In this session, we explore common sources of conflict on the farm, our different styles of dealing with conflict, and how to actively move towards conflict resolution. 
Building Intercultural Competence as Farm EmployersCommunicating across differences can be both scary and tricky. This session explores some common missteps and offers suggestions for how to avoid them. 

Meet the Trainers!

Farmer Trainers:

  • David Bachhuber, Lovefood Farm in Stoughton, WI
  • Kat Becker, Cattail Organics in Athens, WI
  • Katie Bishop, PrairiErth Farm in Atlanta, IL
  • Stacey Botsford, Red Door Family Farm in Athens, WI
  • Kristen Kordet, Blue Moon Community Farm in Stoughton, WI
  • Meryl LaTronica, Just Roots in Greenfield, MA
  • Michelle Week, Good Rain Farm (X̌ast Sq̓it) in Portland, OR
  • Cassie Wyss, Crossroads Community Farm in Cross Plains, WI

Program Staff:

  • Sarah Janes Ugoretz (she/her), UW-Madison Extension Dane County & FairShare

Interested in more Employee Management opportunities? The TEAMs program is for current and aspiring managers on vegetable farms

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